Update - 29 January 2025
HyNet North West Hydrogen Pipeline targeted consultation on localised changes
Since Stage Three statutory consultation on the HyNet North West Hydrogen Pipeline closed in November 2024, we have made some localised, additional changes to the design of our project.
From 0:00 on Wednesday 29th January to 23:59 on Tuesday 25th February 2025, Cadent will undertake a targeted consultation on these changes to its plans.
The HyNet North West Hydrogen Pipeline will be the UK’s first 100 per cent hydrogen pipeline network at scale. It is essential to unlocking the benefits and ambitions of the HyNet North West programme and in contributing to the UK’s target of Net Zero by 2050. The gas network delivers more than twice as much energy in a year as the electricity network and the North West is the biggest user of commercial gas in the UK. It is therefore important to take steps to decarbonise industry which uses the gas network by offering access to hydrogen instead of natural gas. Cadent is committed to doing this safely, efficiently and reliably.
As a result of feedback prior to and during Stage Three statutory consultation, Cadent is consulting on several changes to the project. An overview of these changes can be found below:

Location | Update |
Sutton Weaver (West Corridor) |
Following feedback on the location of the pipeline route to the east of the Rocksavage HAGI, the Applicant is proposing to realign the pipeline directly to the south of the route previously consulted upon. The route would pass to the south of Sutton Hall across the former Sutton Hall Golf Course, which has been returned to agricultural land. The amendment would increase the distance of the pipeline from residential properties and better align with an existing pipeline corridor. |
Central Hub |
The Applicant is proposing several amendments in the area near to the Central Hub following feedback received. The Applicant proposes to extend the Draft Order Limits (boundary of development area) west to include the existing access off Northwich Road with the land between the red line boundary and the existing access to be used as a habitat mitigation area. The amendments proposed provide an opportunity for construction traffic to use the existing access, reducing the number of vehicles using the proposed access further east on Northwich Road. The habitat mitigation area could include the planting of woodland, hedgerows and the creation of ponds. |
Higher Walton HAGI (North Corridor) |
Following feedback received on the two HAGI options in Higher Walton, an additional option (HWH9) has been identified in this area within the Solvay Interox ownership. Option HWH9 is located to the east of option HWH2 on the eastern side of the West Coast Mainline railway. This is an area of previously developed land set within an existing industrial site. For Option HWH9, the pipeline would route below the Manchester Ship canal via a trenchless crossing from two possible locations – the first from a location similar to option HWH8, the second in the adjoining field to the west. These are both accounted for within the proposed Limits of Deviation (LoD). The route of the Warrington spur, serving Novelis, has been amended through the Solvay Interox site and Morley Common. |
Moore Nature Reserve (North Corridor) |
The Limits of Deviation (LoD) have been widened next to the Moore Nature Reserve north of Birchwood Lane to allow the route to pass south of a pond and a rare, black poplar tree (s). These features were identified as part of an environmental survey undertaken in summer 2024. |
Pendlebury Brook (To the West of James Roby Way) |
In this location, the Applicant is proposing to extend the Draft Order Limits to include land either side of Pendlebury Brook. This land is proposed as ecological mitigation and it is intended to provide suitable alternative habitats for water voles in the area. |
West of High Legh (East Corridor) |
The Applicant received feedback on the pipeline route west of High Legh the characteristics of the land in this area. The Applicant therefore proposes to amend the alignment of the pipeline such that it would pass to the north of these features. |
Moss Lane (East Corridor) |
To provide access across the Crowley Brook from Moss Lane, the Applicant has made a minor amendment to the Draft Order Limits to include the option of using an existing crossing point into the proposed trenchless crossing location. |
Partington HAGI (East Corridor) |
There are two amendments proposed by the Applicant in this area. The first is to replace the previous access route to the Partington HAGI (PH2), which was via the existing industrial site, to a route via Common Lane, as indicated by stakeholders. The second amendment is an extension of the Project’s Draft Order Limits to include an existing Electricity North West wooden pole line (northern boundary of the field), to support a potential future grid connection and to improve safety during construction. |
Vale Royal (South Corridor) |
During Stage Three Statutory Consultation, the Applicant presented two alternative crossing techniques for the River Weaver and West Coast Mainline railway at Vale Royal – Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) and a micro-tunnel. This was proposed as a single crossing location. Construction challenges remain in this area, related to the length of the crossing and the nature of the ground and infrastructure to be crossed. The Applicant is therefore considering two crossing methodologies. An additional crossing location has therefore been included with options for two adjoining micro-tunnels, one routing south west under the railway and the other north west under the River Weaver. To allow for construction access, two alternative routes have been identified from the A556 for consideration. |
Frodsham Marshes (West Corridor) |
The Applicant is proposing an extension of the Project’s Draft Order Limits at Frodsham Marshes along ditches south of Moorditch Lane and east of Hapsford Lane. This land is proposed as ecological mitigation and it is intended to provide suitable alternative habitats for water voles. A further addition of land at Frodsham Marshes is an increase in the width of the Draft Order Limits of approximately 2.5m towards the bank of the ditch predominantly to the east of the junction between Brook Furlong and Moorditch Lane. This is to maximise the land available to the Project, to support avoidance of the existing telecommunications tower. |
Clockface HAGI (North Corridor) |
The area proposed for the Clockface HAGI includes an existing arable field margin, which is managed for the benefit of wildlife. The Applicant is proposing to extend the area of ecological mitigation in the form of an arable field margin alongside the Clockface HAGI compound. |
Acton Bridge (South Corridor, south of Central Hub) |
The Applicant has identified an opportunity to work with the landowner of woodland either side of the proposed Trent and Mersey Canal crossing to improve the quality of the habitat in this location. This wooded area would be included in the Project’s Draft Order Limits as an ecological mitigation area. |
Providing feedback
Further information on the changes, including an addendum to the Draft Environmental Statement and documents, maps and plans showing the nature and location of the proposals with these amendments incorporated is available in our Knowledge Hub.
Cadent is welcoming feedback on these changes. To respond to this consultation, please send your feedback to the project team:
- By email to info@hynethydrogenpipeline.co.uk
- In writing to FREEPOST HYNET NWHP (please be advised it is not possible to send registered post to a freepost address)
Copies of the consultation information may be obtained by calling our community relations team on 0800 860 6261 or by emailing info@hynethydrogenpipeline.co.uk following the launch of con-sultation and may be requested as an electronic or paper copy.
A reasonable copying charge will apply for paper copies of the Draft Environmental Statement and addendum (up to a maximum of £150 for the full suite of documents).
To help us better understand your feedback, it would be helpful if you could include your name and address. Please also confirm which amendment you are responding to, and the nature of your interest in the land affected by the scheme. Further instructions are included alongside each amendment, which are available to view in the Knowledge Hub.
Please respond to this consultation no later than 23:59 on 25th February 2025. Responses received after this time may not be considered.
Following the consultation, we will consider stakeholder comments and review the Project in light of the feedback gathered, engineering and environmental information.
Safely managing your data
Cadent will consider and have regard to all responses when developing the application for a DCO once consultation has closed. Responses will form the basis of a Consultation Report that will be one of the factors taken into consideration by the Secretary of State when deciding whether the Application can be accepted for examination. It should therefore be known that any responses could be communicated to others as part of the Consultation Report. Any details you provide to us will be subject to our privacy policy notice.
The Project’s privacy policy notice is available on the Privacy Policy webpage.
Personal details will be held securely and solely for the purposes connected with this consultation, the DCO process and further development of the Project, including maintaining our gas network. Personal details will not be disclosed to any third parties except where Cadent is required to do so by law (e.g. where required to respond to a formal Freedom of Information Request).