Knowledge hub
On this page you can view and download a selection of materials that provide more information about the HyNet North West Hydrogen Pipeline.
Should you require any of these materials in a more accessible format, or in a different language, please contact the project team by emailing or calling 0800 8606 261.
Our SoCC sets out how we consulted local communities during our statutory consultation. It provides details about how people can take part in the consultation and how feedback from consultees will inform our final design.
Consultation Brochure, 12 September to 10 November 2022 (Spreads)This brochure provides an overview of our updated proposals following the feedback we received during our first round of consultation in early 2022. If you require this brochure in an alternative format, please contact the project team by calling 0800 8606 261 or emailing:
Consultation Brochure, 12 September to 10 November 2022 (Single pages)This brochure provides an overview of our updated proposals following the feedback we received during our first round of consultation in early 2022. If you require this brochure in an alternative format, please contact the project team by calling 0800 8606 261 or emailing:
This is a technical document describing the project. It sets out any potential environmental, social and economic effects in detail, and initial measures proposed to mitigate any potential effects, as well as some of the benefits of the project.
This is a shorter, plain language summary of the PEIR's key points.
Section 47 and Section 48 noticesThis document includes the project's notice of publication of the Statement of Community Consultation (Section 47 notice) and the publicising of the project's proposed application for a Development Consent Order (Section 48 notice).
This report provides background to and summarises the need for the project. It also describes the different options and alternatives we considered before arriving at the proposals outlined in this brochure.
Targeted consultation map
As part of our targeted consultation running from 29th January 2025 to 25th February 2025, we have identified several changes, the locations of which are demonstrated on the map below.

More information on these amendments can be found in our Knowledge Hub in the January/February 2025 targeted consultation dropdown section.
You can view our live interactive map here of proposals presented at our Stage Three statutory consultation in October and November 2024. This does not include latest changes as part of targeted consultation.
See mapHAGIs
The majority of our pipeline will be underground. However, we will need around nine HAGIs at certain points along the pipeline. This includes a Central Hub HAGI, which will act as the central connection point for each of our four pipeline route corridors.
Click here to find out more about HAGIs in our latest blog